

Smart Freeway Live Decision Support Tool Wins ITS Australia Award

Smart Freeway Live Decision Support Tool Wins ITS Australia Award Tuesday, February 18th, 2025 From left to right in the photo: Ian McCarthy (Aimsun), Scott Fennelly (MRWA), Lee-Ann Breger (iMOVE), and Elliott Panos, Tanya Zaknich, and Mehdi Langroudi (all MRWA). The Smart Freeway Live Decision Support Tool, a groundbreaking innovation developed by Main Roads Western Australia (MRWA) in collaboration with iMove and Aimsun, has won the ITS Australia Award for Excellence in Research & Developm [...]

Smart Freeway Live Decision Support Tool Wins ITS Australia Award2025-02-18T08:23:29-03:00

Enhancing public transport efficiency with digital twin technology

Researchers at the i2CAT research centre have developed a vehicular digital twin to optimise the efficiency of public transport in urban environments, in collaboration with the companies ACISA and Aimsun.The solution allows traffic monitoring and the establishment of different optimisation strategies for the circulation of public transport and emergency vehicles through an intelligent traffic light control system. Sensors were installed on the road infrastructure to collect data from passing veh [...]

Enhancing public transport efficiency with digital twin technology2024-12-19T13:49:48-03:00

Visualização de dados impactante: um guia para criar modos de exibição no Aimsun Next

Confira a nova Nota Técnica sobre a ferramenta de Comparação de Dados no Aimsun Next! Analise e visualize as diferenças entre simulações, experimentos e conjuntos de dados reais. De tempos de viagem a limites de velocidade, nossa ferramenta ajuda você a tomar decisões informadas no design de redes de transporte. Personalize suas comparações, ajuste estilos visuais e amplie sua análise com facilidade. Ideal para planejadores de transporte em busca de precisão e clareza.

Visualização de dados impactante: um guia para criar modos de exibição no Aimsun Next2024-12-16T14:09:10-03:00

Special Offer 2024

Special Offer! Level up your Transport Modelling with our end-of-year special offer! Contact us LEVEL UP with our special offer Sign up for a new subscription to Aimsun Next transport simulation and modelling software and receive a free software upgrade worth at least €2,000!Yes, you read that correctly: €2,000! This is the perfect opportunity to maximize your annual budget and save thousands while supercharging your transport modelling capabilities! How the LEVEL UP Promotion works​ Aimsun Next [...]

Special Offer 20242024-11-21T13:52:08-03:00

Aimsun Summit 2024

Décembre 3- 4, 2024 | Paris, France Aimsun Summit 2024 Aimsun Summit 2024 | Les mobilités et la ville de demain : prendre les bonnes décisions   Rejoignez-nous pour le Aimsun Summit 2024, notre rendez-vous annuel à Paris rassemblant clients et partenaires autour des dernières avancées en modélisation, prédiction des déplacements et innovation en mobilité. Pendant ces deux jours, profitez d’un programme riche en réflexions, échanges et formations. Le premier jour sera consacré au thème “La [...]

Aimsun Summit 20242024-11-18T13:53:15-03:00

Protected: The Aimsun Webinar Series

This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password: The post Protected: The Aimsun Webinar Series appeared first on Aimsun. Post original [...]

Protected: The Aimsun Webinar Series2024-10-15T05:54:32-03:00

CIVITAS Forum 2024

October 3, 2024 | Parma, Italy CIVITAS 2024 Through collaborative projects, CIVITAS connects cities, industry experts, and research institutions to share knowledge and best practices. It supports a wide range of sustainable transport measures, including smart traffic management, electric vehicles, car-sharing schemes, and pedestrian-friendly urban planning. CIVITAS also encourages citizen engagement, ensuring that local communities participate in shaping their city’s transport policies.The initi [...]

CIVITAS Forum 20242024-09-30T11:14:56-03:00

New guidance on stability and convergence in dynamic models

Stability and convergence in dynamic models Thursday, September 26th, 2024 Tessa Hayman Product Specialist, Aimsun Gavin Bailey Regional Head of Business Development, Aimsun As previewed at the Aimsun User Day, held earlier this month in Manchester, we are very happy to present the new guidance from Aimsun on stability and convergence in dynamic models. The guidance has been written with the support of the UK Department for Transport (DfT).  Overview Dynamic assignment is a powerful tool that ca [...]

New guidance on stability and convergence in dynamic models2024-09-25T11:30:14-03:00

Análise comparativa de dados no Aimsun Next

🔍🚦 Confira a nova Nota Técnica sobre a ferramenta de Comparação de Dados no Aimsun Next! Analise e visualize as diferenças entre simulações, experimentos e conjuntos de dados reais. De tempos de viagem a limites de velocidade, nossa ferramenta ajuda você a tomar decisões informadas no design de redes de transporte. Personalize suas comparações, ajuste estilos visuais e amplie sua análise com facilidade. Ideal para planejadores de transporte em busca de precisão e clareza. #NotaTécnica #AnáliseDeDados #ModelagemDeTransporte #AimsunNext

Análise comparativa de dados no Aimsun Next2024-08-27T17:27:15-03:00

Usando Lua para escrever funções de custo personalizadas para Aimsun Next

Descubra como utilizar Lua, uma linguagem de script leve e eficiente, para criar funções de custo personalizadas no Aimsun Next. Introduzida na versão 22, Lua oferece simplicidade e desempenho aprimorado para modelos de transporte complexos. Aprenda as principais diferenças entre Lua e Python, e veja exemplos práticos de como implementar funções de custo dinâmicas. Otimize seus modelos de transporte com esta poderosa alternativa ao Python.

Usando Lua para escrever funções de custo personalizadas para Aimsun Next2024-08-14T13:21:14-03:00
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